About Us

our mission

We want to awaken your passion to create something with your own hands - all around the subject of skateboarding. And compared to other study sets or craft kits, this workpiece won't gather dust in a shelf or display case - the greatest fun begins when the skateboard or park is done and you can finally practice tricks and have some great sessions.

For many - as well as for me - the small skateboards are an entry into a lifelong passion, a sport and even a whole subculture.

"We want to awaken your passion to create something with your own hands"

- Dennis | Founder CreateYourSkate -

our Story

The CreateYourSkate journey began in 2002 when, as a teenager, I ambitiously crafted my first wooden fingerboards from a solid block of wood, spending days sanding them without any prior woodworking knowledge. Discovering that proper skateboards use multiple layers of wood veneer, I then created my first veneer presses. Although my initial boards were imperfect—crooked and warped—I felt immense pride in crafting something with my own hands. This experience continues to shape my life. At CreateYourSkate, we aim to share this unique feeling with as many people as possible. Over the years, we've refined our veneer presses and developed kits for anyone to achieve instant success.

Recognizing the challenge of building a professional fingerskatepark, we've also designed molds and kits for effortless construction of concrete ramps and obstacles.

first attempts

After I found my passion for fingerboarding at the age of 12, I wanted to build my own boards from real wood a year later. Many attempts followed until the first functional wooden board press was finally created.


CRESKATE® awakens

The name CRESKATE® is registered as a trademark and our products are presented to distributors and shops for the first time at the world's leading trade fair for toys in Nuremberg (SPIELWARENMESSE®).

behind the brand

Facts about the Founder

Fingerboarder and Maker since 2002

Dennis's journey into fingerboarding began in 2002. What started as a hobby quickly grew into a passion for crafting and innovation. From hand-sanding his first boards to developing advanced veneer presses, Dennis has dedicated over two decades to perfecting the art of fingerboarding. His commitment to the sport and creating top-notch products makes CRESKATE® the ideal choice for fingerboard enthusiasts.

Dedicated Commitment to Skate Sports

Not only did Dennis spend his youth in skateparks trying new tricks all day long, but he also dedicated ten years to developing a new local skate park. Together with Bowl Constructions AG, he designed the skate park in Plattling. Dennis is still an active part of the local skateboarding and BMX scene and is a member of the Deggendorf skateboard club.

In-Depth Knowledge and Professional Expertise

With a master's degree in mechanical engineering, lightweight design and simulation and many years of experience as a designer and development engineer, Dennis brings deep technical knowledge to our product development. His work on countless molds for motorsport, medical and aerospace components ensures that our fingerboard molds and configurators meet the highest standards.

Life as a Dad

As a father of two children, Dennis is particularly pleased when children show an interest in technology and crafts. Our products are ideal for parents who want to carry out creative projects with their children. Our beginner sets are perfect for newbies and have been developed so that children can also have immediate success building boards.